
Friday, September 26

Oh yeah ray doi, I have to go check out your place some day. hehehe... see how Valencia's treating you. Well I have class right now... I'll give you a buzz soon.

Wassup Folks... Long time no talk. About to get my high speed connection back... which means I'll be posting and reading once again. Wow... we have a lot of late babies up in here. Too bad I'll be stuck here at Calpoly while you guys get mad drunk. Well I'll prolly post some more later. Happy Birthday and Happy Belated Birthday Barry. Take care people.

Sunday, September 21

Hi everyone!

Today is my last day in SF! I was actually suppose to leave the past Thursday but I realized I still had some stuff to take care of, so I decided to leave Friday.
But my plans have turned into a disaster starting Thursday morning...
The worst thing happened Thurday morning around 6 am! My boyfriend woke me up and found the world's biggest mosquito bite possible on my left eye!
The shady mosquito had bitten me in my sweet deep sleep! The bite swollen up so much that my eye could only open up 1/5 of the way!
It was the most horrible thing that can happen to anyone the day before they have to make a 6 hour drive down to LA!
So I asked my BF to drive with my down with me on Friday.
Friday morning, I called the apartment manager to see if it was okay to arrive at night. He answered my question with, "Of course...NOT! The office is closed after 5pm!"
Sheesh! He could have been a little more polite about it! It turns out that the office is closed through the weekend also. So now I'm stuck in San Francisco til tomrrow.
I had to dig some clothes out of my neatly packed and oragnized boxes.

So now I'm home alone on a Sat. night listening to a sound track of a chinese cartoon that I loved when I was a kid.
Does anyone know (in Cantonese) "LIttle Cream?"
It's about a little girl with a magic wand that turned her into a older girl. When she turns into the older girl, people loved to hear her sing. She always had two little kitties that followed her around everywhere.
Ahh! ~memories~

Take care everyone and enjoy the coming/rest of the school year!

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