
Saturday, November 22

Sam: Time for you to head over to Ray Doi's place over break to learn how to cook. From what I hear, that guy is an excellent cook. I have to try it out myself some day. hehehe.

Vicki: I agree, Francine Dee is not all that. Her boobs are bigger than her head, not cool not cool.

Michael Jackson: He's in some serious trouble this time. That guy is such a big spender. "with the pop icon reportedly spending a cool $6 million within hours." - CNN Money. This is shopping I'm talking about. I can barely smile after spending over a $100 dollars on clothes. Wonder if it was ever worth it for him to become rich and famous. I'd much work at safeway then to live his life.

Hope everyone is having a good weekend. Study hard for finals then play hard. Later people.

Hey Ray, I think that a lot of college girls don't know how to cook because our parents, usually moms, have always cooked for us. Like for my mom, she never even tried to make me learn how to cook. That is why I'm suffering from food deprivation now. Hehe. Yeah I've been frying eggs to eat. That's probably the most complicated food that I know how to cool. BTW, I was talking to Angie and I found out that we both live on EASY MAC! Haha. That's pretty funny.

Linda, I heard that Rhode Island is really racist, do you thnk that's true or not? =) hehe. Hope it's not...

Wow, hearing about all these people dying brings chills up my spine. I was so oblivious to what went on in the lives of other people after middle school. Although I don't know these people that well, hearing about what happened to Leon, Shawn, and Demetrius makes me feel very fortunate about my life.

Thursday, November 20

Oh man sorry to hear. Leon Britton was a cool guy. That guy used to crack me up. The last time I saw him was at Mission High during our freshman year. Crazy stuff.

Off the top of my head... Leon Britton, a very good-hearted guy, was murdered. Shawn Williams was shot in the head because people thought he had something to do with Leon's death. They're both from our '96 class.

And, Demetrius Smith is in prison doing hard time. So... that's almost like dying I think.

This is my definition of SEXY!!! (China Chow) Chinese/English(dad), Japanese/German(mom)

This is my definition of CUTE!!!
(Kristin Kreuk) Half-Chinese and Half-Dutch. SHE'S OUR AGE TOO I THINK!

This is my definition of SEXY AND CUTE!!!
(Jaymee Ong) Chinese-Australian

Who died from Ben? I never heard much about BEN, especially people from our class.

There are a bunch of people from the Ben Franklin MS Class of '96 who died too.

Wallenberg People: So it happens again...
Wallenberg is cursed. I thought things were getting better since I didn't hear anything last year, but here we go again. Average about 1 death/year starting from 1995 - 2003 in a school with about 500+ students. This is crazy.

Wednesday, November 19

Does everyone know each other on this blog? I can somewhat picture who stephanie is, but I'm not quite sure. Don't think we had much to do with each other back then. I think somebody should create a page with everyone's picture/name so we can look at it and say OH!!!!! I REMEMBER YOU!!! It has been more than 7 or 8 years since I've seen some of you. I'm not sure if this is the case for everyone... am I the only loser who doesn't know everyone?

I had an interesting dream last night too. Must've played too much video games or watched too many violent movies. I dreamt that I was in a shoot out with a bunch of people...then I went from shooting to beating people with a bat... then I broke a car window and found China Chow in the car. hehehehe... then I drove off... and don't remember what happened after that. But China Chow is one sexy chica.

Orlando Bloom is definitely sexy!

Tuesday, November 18

Can you guys believe it?? I got a 78/80 on my essay in Sociology class! I'm one of the people that got the highest score in the class! That have never happened in my life before! Or at least not that I remember of...=)

My roomate and I tried to go watch the free screening of Gothika but the line was mad long. All the students trying to see the free show...too bad...

Calvin: I went back the first weekend with my BF's brother and he drove both ways. So it wasn't that bad. I just had to drive the second weekend that I went home. Yeah SF is really nice. So comfortable being there...

Ray doi: Wassup... sorry I still have your cds. I will return it this weekend, I promise. But can I borrow Dream Weaver? I just signed up for a free 500MB host, so I'm gonna try to see if I could get anywhere with the speedzone webpage.

Linda F: You have good memory. So what's RI like? A lot of white folks? Should post some pictures of Rhode Island when you have a chance. Don't really know much about RI.

Jess L: Hope you survived your midterm. I'm guessing you did ok since you didn't harass me with MATH PROBLEMS. hehehe... Always making me look bad when I can't figure it out... *sigh*

Samantha: Wow... how do you manage to go home two consecutive weekends? I'm only 3.5 - 4 hours away and I can barely do that. But who can ever get enough of S.F.???? I SURE CAN'T.

Monday, November 17

Hey people... how's it going? LONG TIME NO SEE!!! Wow... you guys managed to find Linda Ford even though she's over in Rhode Island? hehehe... impressive. Hope everything is going well with you folks. It's been a super rough quarter for me. So much has happened in such a short amount of time. And I am now further away from graduating since I went from 12 units to 8 units this quarter. But I think everything is working out now. Well nice to see that this blog is still going and growing. Well time to catch up on my work... since I've been gone for a week. Catch you guys later. Nice to hear from you too Linda Ford. Not sure if you remember who this is. hehehe... but this is the retarded calvin... the one without all the girls... the one who used to be calvin huynh but now trying to be cool and changed it to calvin wong... just to see if that helps bring the girls closer... but guess it didn't work... hehehehe....

Take care everyone.

Yo, it's Chi.

New Theme of the Week: what Linda said. What makes a person sexy?

I'd also like to know what your hobbies are!

Oh wow!
It's Linda Ford! Nice to hear from you! How did you hear about this site all the way in Rhode Island?

Hi everyone! How's everything going? School and work treating all of you well? Hehe. I've been over-indulging; went back to SF two weekends in a row. I needed to get my nutition fix. Food deprived at school...can't cook, no money to eat out...hehe. There is always a lot of food at home. I miss that the most. =)

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