
Wednesday, November 5

The Ultimate Truth:

"In The Event of My Demise"

In the event of my Demise
when my heart can beat no more
I Hope I Die For A Principle
I will die Before my Time
Because I feel the shadow's Depth
so much I wanted 2 accomplish
Before I reached my Death
I have come 2 grips with the possibility
and wiped the last tear from my eyes
I Loved All who were Positive
In the even of my Demise!


Just kidding. That's not the ultimate truth. I'm the ultimate truth!

I think I post too much. I'm bored.

I think it has more to do with bad luck than with me being a bad driver. I don't think I'm a bad driver. I was going close to 40mph on a 35mph zone on a local road. I saw the police car hiding in a bush and slowed down to speed limit after I saw him. The guy tailgated me for about five minutes before pulling me over and gave me a ticket for speeding.

I think it was unfair... but I don't think there's much I can do. Oh yeah, I got this ticket back in July.

Suspension is for another 6 months. I think if I get another point on my record, they'll take my license away for a year and make me take the written and driving test again.

So... I've had my license suspended for 15days, once for 6 months... and now for another 6months.


Tuesday, November 4

I got a speeding ticket while I was on probation. I had just gotten my license back last May from the last time it was suspended. I can't go more than 5 months without my license being revoked.

My license got suspended AGAIN! This is the 3rd time!

Sunday, November 2

Vicki, everything I know about your relationships are based on what you write here and the few times I've talked to you on IMs. Your naivete with boys is very apparent.

I know you take your relationships seriously; the way you go about them is what gives me concern. How many times can a guy be "the one?" How can you fall in and out of love so fast?

I know how guys are, and I suspect that several of them just use you for sex. One of the oldest tricks in the book is to tell a girl "I love you" to make them do pretty much anything we want. If a guy ever tells you "I love you" and starts talking about the "future" with you and you've only been with him for a couple of weeks, then that's a pretty sure sign he's just stringing you along.

Oh... and if you give it up too soon, you DEFINATELY aren't long-term or marriage material.

I'm sorry if you took offense to my comment. That was not my intention. I only did it cuz I care. =)

Cool poem Ray. I think everyone should share their creative writings here! I liked how you used repetition. It shows that you know what you're doing.


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